The BlunderBus

Episode Two: The Failing Five: Stuart Robinson, Church Killer

Edward Vaughan Season 5 Episode 2

Bishop Stuart Robinson is one of Australia's best church planters and evangelists. So how did Stuart manage to kill a church plant stone dead literally overnight?

This episode is one of the most listened to Blunder Bus episode of all times. And with good reason. It's a heart breaking story of listening to bad advice, and the consequences that come with that.

You’ve probably worked out by now that the magic secret when it comes to failure is the ability to reflect on mistakes and learn. And that’s what I do in my work as a Pastoral Supervisor which I do through my business, Generation Leadership.

If you are looking for a Pastoral Supervisor to help you reflect on your work and ministry practice, I currently have some openings. So go to my website to find out more

I’d love to work with you and provide a safe space to reflect on what you are currently doing, and what you can learn. Check it out!

If you would like to talk to Ed about Pastoral Supervision, visit the website here
Or you can email Ed at
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