The BlunderBus

Episode Seven: Shebu John and The Fear Of Man

Edward Vaughan Season 4 Episode 7

What could possibly be wrong with trying to keep the peace and keep other people happy? Turns out, a lot! This week's guest is Shebu John, Lead Pastor of Canterbury Gardens Community Church in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. Shebu is also Lead Melbourne Catalyst with City to City Australia.

Shebu speaks very vulnerably and honestly about his 'Fear Of Man'; the fear of other people's disapproval and disappointment. And he speaks very wisely about the 'heart-work' that is required to apply the good news of Jesus to bring about genuine change.

This series is brought to you by City to City Australia, and the 'Revitalise Australia' project. CTCA estimate that there are approximately 3000 Bible based, Gospel centred churches in Australia which are plateaued or declining. 'Revitalise Australia' is an ambitious project to see those churches rediscover life, health and purpose. You can watch a video of City to City founder Tim Keller talking about the 'Revitalise Australia' project here.

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