The BlunderBus

Episode Two: Karina Kreminski on Leading People Not Programs

Edward Vaughan

Karina Kreminski is Co-Director of Neighbourhood Matters, based in Sydney's Surry Hills, and proudly claims to be a leaf-blower hater and flâneuse.  On this episode she shares her reflections on her role as pastor, and on how she became 'program-based' as opposed to being people focused.

It's a wide ranging conversation; we talk about the importance of building trust, the issues of the mega-church model and the potential for the pastor's role to be de-humanising for those who are in it.

And Karina shares about how she has developed a greater ability for reflection in recent times, and the profound effect that working with an external person (in her case, a spiritual director), had on her.

If you would like to develop your ability to reflect on your work and ministry, why not have a chat with me about Pastoral Supervision? Contact me at  or go to the Generation Leadership website.

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If you would like to talk to Ed about Pastoral Supervision, visit the website here
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